mental health in the age of tiktok

Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being and addressing any concerns or issues in this area is crucial. In today's world, where social media is a significant part of our daily lives, it's easy to turn to TikTok or other online platforms for advice, information, or even a diagnosis. However, relying on TikTok for mental health information and support can have serious consequences, and it's vital to understand why seeking professional help is the best course of action.

First and foremost, TikTok and other social media platforms are not regulated. This lack of regulation means anyone can post videos, offer advice, or make claims without proof or credentials. The information you receive on these platforms may not be accurate, up-to-date, or appropriate for your specific situation. Additionally, TikTok users who post about mental health may not have the training or expertise to provide accurate information or advice, which could result in harm or further complications.

Secondly, self-diagnosis can be problematic. Mental health conditions are complex and often involve multiple factors, such as genetics, environment, and personal experiences. TikTok and other online sources may not consider all these factors, and a self-diagnosis may not be accurate or complete, leading to unnecessary stress and anxiety or result in missed or delayed treatment for a real issue.

Furthermore, mental health conditions are best treated by a licensed mental health professional, such as a therapist, social worker, or psychologist. These professionals have the training, experience, and expertise to diagnose and treat mental health conditions accurately. They can provide personalized treatment plans, support, and guidance to help individuals recover and manage their mental health. Additionally, mental health professionals can work with individuals to identify any underlying conditions contributing to their symptoms and develop a comprehensive treatment plan that considers all these factors.

Finally, seeking help from a mental health professional is confidential and private. Mental health professionals are bound by strict ethical and legal standards, which protect the privacy and confidentiality of their clients. This ensures that individuals feel comfortable and secure when discussing their mental health concerns without fear of judgment or stigma.

Relying on TikTok or other online sources for mental health information and support can be dangerous and ineffective. Mental health professionals have the training, expertise, and confidentiality necessary to provide accurate, comprehensive, and effective treatment for mental health conditions. Seeking help from a licensed mental health professional is the best action for anyone experiencing mental health concerns.

Rome Street

Rome is a professional with extensive training in somatic experience, crisis management, suicide prevention, and cultural humility. Rome has received specialized training in crisis intervention and suicide prevention and has worked with individuals experiencing severe emotional distress. Rome has experience working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds; her approach is compassionate, non-judgmental, and focused on empowering clients to take an active role in their healing. In her spare time, Rome enjoys creating art, meditating, and spending time with friends and family.


preventative mental health